23 July 2007

monkey monkey...

On Saturday night we attended a party in honor of one of Mike's colleagues husbands 40th birthday. We had a really nice time sitting on the lawn watching the children play. Of course Piper was having a great time, what 2 year old wouldn't when there is a swing, slide, trampoline and monkeybars!

I swear his child is a dare-devil! She is 110% determined to do the most challenging and potentially dangerous activity available! Awesome for her poor Mother's nerves! Mike hoisted our little spider monkey up to the monkey bars after she had climbed up and was reaching out for the first rung...uh, dude, you're TWO, can we help you? She actually hung on for about a minute before asking to be taken down, she kept eying the next rung and at one point tried to reach it...I think a gymnastics class in in her near future!

Slides are good, I'm cool with slides, they are easy, for the most part they are safe...of course unless they are made of steel, then the 85 degree days just make them a giant sliding cookie sheet...a surefire way to get third degree burns! Luckily these days metal slides are few and far between.

Sandpits are normally off our list of healthy play places, but this one seemed okay...I didn't see any suspicious lumps of kitty treasure in it and Piper seemed to enjoy digging her way to China with a teacup. I told her there was an easier way to get to China than that, she looked at me and I could see her thinking "yeah, right Mummy, 14 hours on a plane with you and Daddy, I'll take my chances with the teacup"


Lauren said...

LOL!!!! What a funny post!!!! She is quite a daredevil!

Ramona said...

Omigosh does this look familiar! My Katie-Beth also has no fear! I am so terrified of her teen years! LOL