20 November 2007

No Call

just in case you are wondering.


Barbie said...

Ugh, yes I am wondering and hoping! I keep checking your site and the yahoo group whenever I get a chance!

The Lucky Ones said...


Stefanie said...

I have been thinking about you ALL DAY! Thanks for keeping us updated... I am hoping and praying for a big announcement still TODAY!!
Hang in there, this waiting must be grueling!

kitchu said...


(can you hear my scream all the way from Florida?)... here's crossing my fingers for tomorrow.

Did you ever call them??

James Michael said...

My guess was Friday. I know thats not what you wanted to hear but it was my guess. Only a few more days.

JoAnn in NJ said...

Hi Hailey,
I hope you get the call tomorrow! Paisley is going to be home soon!

Tamara said...

This might be worse than Maia's story break teases (and I'm not even the one awaiting a momentous call!). Come on with it already....

Patricia said...

ARGHHHH!!! I haven't been home all day, so I couldn't check until now, but I've been THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL DAY!!!

Maybe tomorrow??

Hang in there!!!

Ramona said...

Arghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! How have you not had a nervous breakdown by now? As much as this is killing the rest of us it has to really be getting to you! Here's crossing my fingers for soon!

Calico Sky said...

You've been on my mind all yesterday and today, did you get my email at the weekend?
Hoping Paisley shows her face soon!!