02 April 2008

HOME at last....
I know I know, we've actually been home since Friday but we are still....how do you say...adjusting!?
I want to be sure to fill in the 'holes' of our time in China, but my two little Snowflower's are requiring mucho attentionae at the moment and Mike & I are beyond exhausted!
What I can tell you is that Paisley is amazing, she is definately our 'quieter' child, but that isn't hard to achieve since Piper's volume dial is set to 'make your ears bleed' loud 24/7! Paisley has begun to bloom and is ...demure and sweet(for now), she has a smile that is heaven sent and a cheeky smirk that makes my heart sing.
I will try to take some more photos and post some of our China trip in the next few days. My thanks to my good friend Kris for posting for us while we were in China!
for now...SLEEP...pictures later


insanemommy said...

Take your time. Get your strenghth back cuz we're gonna want to know all the details. ALL of them.. :)

We had our girls on our schedule within a week. Not for the faint at heart...

"M2" said...

feeling better yet?????

I so appreciate all the baby help you're giving me even though you are butt tired.

I just noticed your "registry" in need of baby crap
too funny.

kitchu said...

love you guys and can't wait to hear more about your trip, and hope you catch that cheeky smirk on camera for all of us to see :)

Deb said...

Haley....so glad to hear that you are home safely! I remember the jet lag and the adjustment time to be brutal! We look forward to seeing more pics when you are more rested! Welcome home!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Great to see you home and all is going well... can't wait to see piccis... what can I say... I had withdrawls... hehe... take care and sleep and sleep some more...

Debra said...

Glad to see you are all home and happy albeit exhausted....I'm sure it's a happy exhaustion though. We're anxiously awaiting the pictures....but rest up Mummy as much as you can...we can wait!
On a side note....I'm sitting here amidst the messy aftermath of a chimney fire thinking how untidy and dirty everything is and what is my word verification.....untiidy....I guess if the God's of blog land can see I better move and clean!
Great to see you girl:)

Unknown said...

glad to hear you're doing okay looking forward to watching your snowflowers flowering!

Snowflowers Mum said...

oh Rony, I'm the Queen of 'routines'...Paisley is almost there. Piper took four days to do 7pm - 7am! Paisley is at 7pm - 5am or 6am....hopefully by the weekend we will be on track.

I teach parents sleep skills for their babies, so I've got a head start.

Now if only someone could come and rub my feet?!

Maia said...

Get some sleep and rest up so you can POST LOTS OF PICTURES SOON!!!!! I keep stopping in to look at your "teaser" picturs of Paisley...she is SO cute! I NEED MORE!!

Patricia said...

Hayley, it's wonderful to know you are all back home, safe & sound! Take your time & get some well needed rest!

I look forward to all those details of your trip & of course, photos of those 2 gorgeous snowflowers of yours!

Tamara said...

Welcome home! Settle in and rest first, but then post some pics and tell us more about life as a family of 4.

Jenny F. said...

Can't wait to talk with you live, so glad to hear Paisley and fam are doing well! Love and hugs to all, embrace the chaos!!!

DiJo said...

Glad to hear you are all OK! And, that re-entry is going as well as it can. Paisley sounds like an absolute gem! I can't wait to meet her!!! If you need Piper to come over here and be loud, we would be happy to entertain her so you can get some sleep!!!

Hang in there!

FHL said...

Welcome Home!!!

I've been lurking while you've been in China and so enjoyed following your journey...Thanks for sharing :-)

Gail said...

Glad you are home with your little Snowflowers. I too have found out blogging isn't as easy now since I brought my little one home Friday. Enjoy sleep when you can get it. It is a rare thing after coming home.

Carrie said...

so glad you are home! congrats again!

Barbie said...

Welcome home! It is such a big adjustment with two little ones. Sleep is just what you all need for sure! But honestly... I can't wait to see more pictures! :-)

JMCS said...

Thanks for the update. Yeah, that time change is a real tough one to adjust to. Please get some rest my because I want more pictures soon. Don't worry, I am sure that Paisley is going to give Piper a run for her money soon (lol).


James Michael said...

Can't wait for updates and pictures. Get some rest and enjoy your new life as a family of 4. Thinking of you always!

Calico Sky said...



Now that you're home I can pop something in the post. I'm away as of tomorrow am (again, I've been away 3 time while you were gone) for 10 days, but will post once I'm back!

Congrats again!!

Chasing Dreams Photography said...

I really enjoyed following your journey and all the adorable pictures. What cute little girls you have there : ) I am mommy to six children,four of my boys are grown. When I came home from China with our second daughter (and sixth child) it took me a while to adjust. I had to learn to juggle my time between two all over again. And boy does jet lag stinks!

Michelle said...

Welcome home! I just found your blog again, so I hope to catch up with you. That first week back for us was soooo hard with the jet lag. We were so messed up and still sleeping during the day.