01 November 2007

Hoppe's Anatomy

featuring Dr McHunky and his intern Dr McCutie!

Scene: on the slab today...Mr Pum Kin. Operation: a complete seedectomy, and image reconstruction.

"Nurse McClicky, scalpel please"

"Dr Cutie, can you see the bleeder?" "No Dr McHunky, I just see weird orange gunk with seeds" "good, get the extractor"

"it's no good Doctor, it's too big...I'm going in..."

"last one...it's never good to leave anything inside"

now for the plastics team

"we will rebuild him..." (theme from six million dollar man playing in background)

meet Mr Batpum Kin...a shining example of amateur surgery!


Patricia said...


The operation was a success & the patient looks better than ever! ;)

Unknown said...

Ohh - that's a cute naration! What a great job.

Ladyblog said...

very cute!