12 December 2007

How many minutes until Christmas?

We have an Elf. Yep, a bonafide Christmas Elf. She wears the hat, she walks the walk...she loves all things remotely Christmas and is pretty much obsessing about Santa. Piper has become a Santaholic. It doesnt help that she has the Charlie & Lola DVD that has an episode called 'how many minutes untile Christmas', or that our dear friends in England sent her a Charlie & Lola avent Christmas card, just like the one on the show! She wants to open all the little doors NOW NOW NOW...but I only let her do one a day! She asks for candy canes when ever she sees them...although she has only ever had two of them in her life(one last Christmas, one a couple of weeks ago at an event). Basically, Piper is planning and re-planning how Christmas will play out. Yesterday she told me that Santa likes pink milk and gingerbread men cookies. We have created a monster! She wears her Santa hat to school and on Monday she marched into the Directors office and asked very sweetly in her best Lola English accent..."'scuse me Miss Valaire, but how many minutes till Christmas?" you know, Miss Valaire actually got her calculator out and worked it out for Piper!

How many Mummy, how many...

Too many Piper..too many.


OziMum said...

How cute! My kids LOVE Charlie and Lola - after watching it, we all walk around chatting to one another with english accents!!!

Louise said...

Ok Hayley,
I just bought the winning IPOD ticket (yeah-what IS an Ipod??)Thanks for the email-our outlets are the same in Cda as the States-but hopefully some real Ipod-lovin' person wins it. We are adding your family to our prayers for Paisley and will be checkin your blog often!!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

She is way to cute...

AmyO said...

Love love love that picture! So cute! I got Olivia similar dress like that while in China - but its for when she's 3 or 4.