04 October 2010
09 September 2010
07 September 2010

05 September 2010
this morning we were woken by big sister running into the room to tell us that little sister had inserted a bead up her nose and couldn't get it out. I dont think Mike and I have EVER got out of bed so fast! After inspection and confirmation of said alien object lodged in nasal passage, we jumped in the car and headed for the ER. It took 4 different methods but the Doctor was finally able to dislodge the 'bead', which turned out to be a freshly shucked navy bean from one of Pipers plants. Paisley wasn't too put out by any of it, she was a little embarassed but didn't cry or squirm in hospital, she just grimaced a little and was back to normal as soon as the eeewy gooey beastie was thrown away.
aaaah, kids.
04 September 2010

Do you really want to give your kids apple juice that was made in China? Well, this brand, which is probably the most recognizable American juice is actually a product of China. My kids drink very little juice, but when they do it's organic pressed or fresh pressed from a local orchard. If we cannot source a local supply of juice, the girls dont drink it...simple as that. Anyway, juice is a treat, water is always the first and best option, but I just find it sad that all over this country kids are drinking Chinese made apple juice and quite frankly that doesn't bode well with my 'local and sustainable' mantra.(not to mention my concern with food safety) It's just been surprising me lately how little parents seem to actually know about where the food and drink their kids put into their bodies comes from?
30 August 2010