13 March 2006


I can sign the word 'poo', and when Mummy asks me if I need to do a poopy I can say yes! We have gone potty 12 days in a row on the big potty. I need a potty seat because I nearly fall in. Mummy wasnt prepared for me to want to potty train so early! I told her, "hey, it's fun right now, the novelty will wear off and I'll go back to using my diaper!" but for now I'm a mean lean poopin machine!

I even want to flush the toilet myself! well I know where the flusher is...and I WANT to flush!

Mummy still needs to order a potty that sits on the floor because I cant climb up to the big toilet by myself. I did give her a bit of a scare by seeing if I could fly off the toilet...apparently I can't fly...I have the bruise on my forehead to prove it!

Daddy is impressed! I'm only 14 months old! I told him that if I keep it up that I want 'Wiggles' undies!

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