08 November 2009

OUCHIE Short story...little one falls four feet from slide at playground...lands directly on head. Parental units have heart attacks, take little Snowflower to urgent care, she gets the thumbs up but parents still in shock. If there was just a way to cover our kids in bubble wrap for the rest of their lives...we'd be good. The graze isn't bad, but it is a reminder of things to come.


Jill said...

Ouch! Poor Paisley! Hope she heals soon!!

Debra said...

Ouch!! Give her a big kiss for us.

Casey said...

Poor sunflower!! Poor parents!! I would have had a heart attack too.... SO glad she is alright!!

And what a cute little face. Love that picture!

Rhonda said...

Ouch! Hope she's feeling better. That must have been really scary.

kitchu said...

thank god it wasn't more serious. they are SO resilient, aren't they? maybe there's bubble wrap on the inside :O)

Michele said...

Ouchie is right! Bad, bad slide!

Michelle said...

Oooh, I have sooo been there! Twice now. Ugh. I absolutely know that heart-stopping, gut-wrenching feeling!!! But, I think these kids are filled with silly putty and bounce right back. :) I hope she heals up fast! Give her a hug from me.

Anonymous said...

That does look like it hurt. Hope she is feeling like her old self again.

Patricia said...

OUCH!! Hope that sweet Paisley is feeling better now & heals quickly!!

I would have passed out right then & there had I witnessed that! Seriously, I've been known to pass out at Kiara's nosebleeds! :O

Yoli said...

Oh wow. I am so sorry. I feel you. I wish I could wrap mine too, which are climbing addicts. You did the right thing by rushing her to urgent care.