24 November 2009

Snowflowers meet the 'Chicken Spaghetti Lady'and other fine recipes!
On Saturday I sneakily convinced my wonderful husband to come with me to a 'little book signing' at the Mall of America. Y'know, we're not big mall people, so it's saying something. Of course the Snowflowers lurve the MOA...not because of the 16 trillion stores, but because of the kickarse amusement park planted in the middle of the mall, AND the Legoland, AND the American Girl Store and cafe!When we arrived there were already the equivalent of two Jumbo jets worth of PW fans in line...I figured 1.5 - 2 hours and I'd have my cookbooks signed, and we'd zip back home in time to throw together a delicious lasagna...
hmmm, funny how things don't go how you think they will.
I sent Piper off with her Daddy while Paisley stayed in line with me..and we waited, and snoozed... and waited, (oh butt the distraction...pardon the pun!..and before you get all P.C. with me, the PW herself PUBLISHED photos of this in her COOKBOOK! ye gods!) and waited...and stared at MM's bum.Thank God I packed snacks, and my complete lack of decorum so I could continue looking at MM's bum some more.
About half an hour before I got to meet PW, Mike came back with Piper...who decided to join us in line...and instantly made a new friend..of course! Mike decided to plonk down on a bench close to the 'action' and watch the madness that is the PW posse. Although... a few minutes after he sat down he was questioned by a mall cop regarding a package underneath his seat....of course he had no idea what it was and stood up as the FBI came over to investigate! I had no idea the FBI had a stronghold outside Nordstrom? Turns out the 'package' was of an organic nature...not one I wish to repeat...but it was amusingI finally got to the end of the line and the girls and I trotted on stage to meet a still smiling Ree Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman...this is how our neeting went

PW : Hi...
me: I feel duped...
PW : looking confused
me: someone told me the Jonas Brothers were at the end of this line!
PW : oh...sorry to disappoint...
me: nah, I just happened to have two of these books anyway so it's no biggie
at which point Piper states... "I really like your chicken Spaghetti"
me: you should plan a New Zealand book tour
PW: is that where you're from, I was going to say Australia
me : lucky for you, if you'd guessed that I'd have to thwap you over the head with these books
Lets just say I have a way with words...I'm pretty sure as I was walking away she called out that she wants to be BFF's!
p.s. the kids never got their lasagna.


katya said...


I just checked out your blog about the MOA PW book signing, after reading her blog with the one MOA pic. Your story about your daughter is so beautiful, they both are very beautiful girls, how lucky that you all found each other. I wish I had spent more time getting to know PW fans in line, I only met the people I was standing close to. But I do agree that the MM behind the back pictures were a great distraction :) I took some of my own as well.


Missy said...

I looove the PW! Her recipes are amazing and so low cal lol.

tiffany said...

Heehee! FAB.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are soo cool.

Debra said...

Man you have patience and a God Bless Mike. I can hardly get Joe to sit through a full episode of So You Think You Can Dance...never mind wait that long at a Mall of all places. I laughed at your thawp you comment...I feel like that all the time as EVERYONE asks me if I'm English or Austrailian...never do I get Irish...I mean does the red hair and freckles not like sream Paddy Irish(wo)man??

Patricia said...

LOVE it!!!! SO glad you were able to meet with her & NOT the Jonas bros. ;) (well, they are on hubby's label, I can't dis them too much)...

Seriously...great photos!! I plan to go when she's in my 'hood next month...who knows how long THAT wait will be?!?

So...how long was your wait anyway?

Snowflowers Mum said...

the wait was almost 5 hours. If given the choice again I would have gone home. Sure, she's nice and all...but 5 hours of a Saturday I will never get back.

kitchu said...

omg i wish i could have been there to HEAR the conversation- hilarious.

Calico Sky said...

Oh I think I love you, which of course means I forgive you for joining the masses! mwah!

JMCS said...

Love her! PW rocks! Lucky you for getting to meet her, so cool. :)
