10 February 2010

Show & Tell letter 'L'Today is Show and Tell day at preschool. The letter of the day is L. Piper knew immediately what she wanted to take to school, a locket...although she was prompt in pointing out that the necklace on which the locket was hung started with the letter 'N', but the locket starts with 'L' and that's what matters the most. I asked her what she wanted to tell the class at show and tell, and she said
"oh no Mummy, I want to write a story to read to my class"
While the story itself is clearly plagiarised (The Little Mermaid II), I thought she did a nice job in the category for 'adaptation of Disney movie for preschool presentation'


Patricia said...

Excellent job, Piper!!
Love the drawing too!

Don't you just LOVE their interpretations of things?! It's the best!!

Today is out turn to get socked with snow!

Michele said...

So cute.

Jammer's preschool has a letter of the day/week too. Today is A day. Jammer has to bring in something that starts with an A. He chose airplanes since we don't have an alligator.

Debra said...

Way to go Piper!

kitchu said...

she's brilliant and i am getting in LINE to buy her artwork. seriously hayley.

Yoli said...

That is really good! She is a very bright child. Love the use of color.