12 August 2009

"Mummy, I need to tell you something...if you don't want us to play with your makeup you need to zip up the bag and put it somewhere we can't see it"
and how about this one...said with a high degree of perplexity
"Mum, I know how babies come out, but what I can't figure out is how they get in there?"


Cavatica said...

Seriously nice communication skills!

kitchu said...

oh i see. she needs to have the temptation removed from her SIGHT. omw. that girl is TOO much. love her.

Patricia said...

WHAT?!?! No photos of the evidence? lol!!

Casey said...

Words of Wisdom. haha!! I can't tell you how many times I have scrubbed blush out of my carpet. sigh.

James Michael said...


Michele said...

Ut oh! Time to think ahead to what else they might get tempted by. Jammer has smeared mascara on his face twice now.

Yoli said...

You are in deep trouble.

Calico Sky said...