I've had enough. I hate the suburbs. Our neighbors are moving...the normal ones. That leaves us with the crackpots, racists and other assorted red meat neanderthals that tend to congregate en masse in the burbs.
Piper's preschool refused to see that having a mini McDonald's inside a classroom is inappropriate.
Searching for a new preschool a week before school starts is a nightmare.
I want out of this house, out of this neighborhood!
SUCKS to be me right now.
"That leaves us with the crackpots, racists and other assorted red meat neanderthals that tend to congregate en masse in the burbs" - Oh hayles, I know you are stressed but thanks for the laugh. I knew there was a reason I didn't like the burbs ;0)
Okay here is a wacky idea SELL EVERYTHING and move to England. There are good jobs in London for Mike, and Piper would be in school all day for free! Or do the same and move to NZ. Or somewhere right on the border with Canada so we can whisper sweet nothings in each others ears come October ;0)
Just remember nannies here get paid very well, so you'd always have that to fall back on! And Piper would have a great future as a child in West End musicals!
Couldn't you just see it???
On a more serious and realistic note, I'm sorry you have this stress.
Can I move with you? I live in the sticks with stupid people who think its ok to throw their trash in my yard and drive fast like crazy down the main road (that is 20 miles and hour one way you dummy)! Well I feel your pain! The only thing about moving is I would move away from my Mom and we have the only Grandkids_ I just could do that to her!
I just about spit out my water when I saw your post just now!!! I have never posted before here...I don't think I have, but today's post just had me laughing. I just got off the phone with my friend and said that my neighbors are all a bunch of b$*%@# because of something they said about my daughter. So I am right there with ya sister!!!
I'm so sorry. That really does suck.
Move to Providence (it's a quick drive to Canada) Piper can go to FASRI with Keeva and you can hang out with all the cool non "crackpots, racists and other assorted red meat neanderthals" that send their kids there too!!
Lot's of houses by us for sale! I love the E. Nokomis neighborhood.
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