24 March 2010

go bento or go home!

Like I said, no school lunches for my snowflower! I'm going Bento baby!

p.s. these lunchboxes can be found at amazon or laptoplunches.com


Debra said...

sorry heres the link

Debra said...

Hayley-there are some exciting bento lunches here for inspiration. Have fun. I know I have as muchfuncreating thelunches as Keeva does eating them.

Melanie said...

Where did you get this? Must get one for Maggie!!!

Patricia said...

LOVE THIS!!!! Where did you find it?!?

runninggal said...

I love Bento lunchboxes!!!! I love Bento everything!!! LiLi HATES school lunches. She hates the taste. She hates the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables. She hates the small portions on the stuff she does like. I tried to get her to buy about 4 times but she was sooooo mad, I gave up.

Besides Bento boxes, try getting the girls a thermos from Targ@t or Km@rt. LiLi LOVES hot soup on a cold winter day. Packed lunches are more work that buying but it is worth it! I won't have it any other way for my baby!!!

Sharyn- sorry it was soooo long.

runninggal said...

http://bentocrazy.com/ GREAT SITE!!!! Check it out!

JMCS said...

How cute is that??? OMG, that's adorable. Gotta get the girls those when they head off to school.


Stephanie said...

Sooo cute! Gotta get a couple of these! Even though we're homeschooling...my kids will NEVER eat school lunch either.