12 October 2009

the day the leaves fell...
On Friday I looked out at the tree in our front yard, it's branches still green with anticipation of the changing of the colors...
The next morning, after a particularly windy night...voila...the entire trees worth of GREEN leaves were off...bah humbug Minnesota Fall...you suck!
Still, the Snowflowers seemed to enjoy the prospect of making a leaf pile!
They raked...they jumped in piles...
they tried to commit murder!
...surprisingly, this did not result in an injury. Even after all our 'garden tool safety classes'.


Calico Sky said...

love love love that top photo!!

Michele said...

Seeing the green leaves down is strange. At least they are fall colors here but it will take a long time for all of them to come down. If snowflowers like raking them that much, they are welcome here to help us.

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Ha/ha....for cute...I love their little rake:) Hope you are doing well!! They are just the cutest ever!

kitchu said...

garden tool safety- very, very important stuff :O) i miss falling leaves. period! miss them.