22 January 2010

"I want to draw you NOW Daddy!"
Paisley takes drawing seriously...I mean s.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y!her medium might not be conventional at this point in the game, but her technique is quite stunning. This 20 second ditty is a portrait of her Daddy. She lay on the ground, looking up at her Daddy for a few seconds, doodle pro pen resting thoughtfully on her bottom lip, then as quick as can be she masterfully rendered this wonderful likeness of her hero...a.k.a. Daddy. I did not teach her how to draw eyes...hello she includes the pupil?, or instruct her how to add eyebrows(even Piper, a pretty decent artist doesn't add eyebrows yet, eyelashes yes...but eyebrows?) I'm so happy both my girls love art, even if it is on a doodlepro!
I think we have a Shel Silverstien fan, and she's never even read one of his books.


Kim said...

Oh my, that is a great job! I can't get over the details.

Okay, you have got to tell me the names that rhymes with Kip that is a no no...thanks for keeping me in the know.


Michele said...

Very cool. I'm betting you are going to have some terrific masterpieces that you can actually frame soon.

kitchu said...

holy poo that is fantastic! my girl cannot draw. big potato heads with stick arms and scribbling for eyes, mouth, and nose.