13 January 2010

We love you Conan!

Well...no surprise but Mike and I are HUGE Conan O'Brien fans. We're really really bummed at the news that NBC wants to move his show back to make way for Jay Leno's 'new' show. Frankly, I think Jay needs to step aside and let conan do the job he was hired to do. I like Jay, but i don't like him enough to mess with MY CONAN! If the Tonight show is at 12.05am, then it's not really the TONIGHT show is it's the 'Tomorrow Morning show'

I know this isn't important news, but i think it's just crappy...and for the record, not that anyone cares, but if Jay goes back to the Tonight Show and they oust Conan I for one won't be watching out of respect for one of the funniest Irishmen on TV. Go Big Red Go!


Rachel said...

I totally agree with you and am glad that Conan is standing firm saying he won't move. If they try to make him, I guess he will jump ship b/c Fox has already said they'd give him the 11:30 time slot. I do think its crappy that they want him to move.

Patricia said...

You got that right!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

From this little Irish girl...I totally agree!!!

JMCS said...

I'm with you sweetie! This makes me SO mad. There's a great FB page for Conan supporters.

BTW, thanks for the vote of confidence and for your kind words on my blog. I am lucky to have a dear friend like you.


Casey said...

Amen, sister. The whole thing is ridiculous.

Your girls are sooo adorable in their dress up clothes. LOVE it.

kitchu said...

i used to watch conan every night before m-n-m came home. he's the bomb.

Erica said...

I'm not a huge Conan fan (although I always thought it was a special treat to stay up late and watch him on the late late show!), but I think what they are doing is wrong! Jay had that slot for 17 years and he didn't have high ratings until a few years ago when Letterman's began to flounder. Only giving Conan a few months to do what took Jay years is ridiculous.

Calico Sky said...

I am out of the loop. I thought Jay had a show and Conan had a show? Then I think we heard whispers of Jay leaving? But I have no clue.