06 July 2008

You all know Paisley came to us pretty much potty trained right? It's amazing, the girl is fantastic! In China they use what we in the West call 'elimination communication', and I have to tell you it works. Paisley poops exclusively on the potty and pees 99% of the time on the potty too. She still wears a gdiaper 100% of the time but we expect to start her in undies by the time she is 18 months old. Piper was 16 months when she started using undies, but she would wake up dry so we knew she was ready. It's an awesome gift to the girls, having this skill, and yes, it is parent directed at this point but it worth it to Mike & I because we not only have the opportunity to carry on the good work and give the girls the gift of potty freedom, but it also saves our landfills from YEARS of diapers. We are thankful for the partnership of early potty training and gdiapers.

1 comment:

kitchu said...

I know who to call when I'm beginning training with babygirl... :)