10 November 2008

The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.
- Elie Wiesel
Indifference is a dangerous path that only cowards tread upon
- me


Two Kayaks said...

I am reading "Night" to all of my grade eleven classes right now with the hope that these 16 year olds will go out into the world knowing when to stand up for others. Remember the prayer by Martin Niemöller, "First they came for the Jews...."? We must stand up for the HUMAN RIGHTS of others. We must, we must, we must! It is our job to take care of one another, not to judge one another.

Two Kayaks said...

I love you.
You are a voice in this world.
Keep talking.
Keep writing.
We are listening.
We are reading.
You are loved.

Melanie said...

Amen sister... I got your back.

insanemommy said...

Boy did I miss a lot today! Yeah, keep talking baby. We adore you.

Mamacita said...

Me too. THEY never stop with their prayer and faith talk. Why should you stop with your human rights talk?

Michelle said...

Okay, after reading my comment to your post again(and seeing other's reactions to it, I realized that saying I HATE the people who stood on the street corners with their "Yes on Prop 8" signs was an over-reaction, and also the same type of behavior that I think Yes on 8 represents. I would like to revise my comment to say that I don't hate the people who were standing on the corners, but I hate what they were representing. And I am terribly sad that my state voted to overturn Prop 8. But in my life I really do try not to hate anyone. I feel very strongly about this issue and I got carried away with my feelings.

fourlittlehawks said...

I swear this will be my last comment on your blog, and I apologize for leaving another one when you asked me not to. I just had to say how very awesome I thought Michelle's last comment was. That's exactly what I was getting at. There is nothing that disgusts me more than bigotry in any form. I strongly believe that people should choose their own path in life, providing that it doesn't infringe upon any other person's right to do the same. The reason I spoke up about Michelle's comment on the other thread is because I get so frustrated sometimes at the hostility thrown around. It infuriates me that I actually had to explain someone holding a "God Hates Fags" sign to my 6 year old child. I interpreted Michelle's earlier comment as propagating the same type of behavior, and it rubbed me the wrong way. The fact that she came back and explained her comment shows a TON of class and integrity in my book! That is all I wanted to say, I promise - I'll officially go away now.
~ Jen

Calico Sky said...

You deserve friends who do not show indifference when you are in pain. You deserve so much more!

Tamara said...

I almost went to a certain college to study under Dr. Wiesel specifically. He's been on my top 10 people ever list for 25 years now. Gosh I am getting old!

I find it so odd when "Christians" forget that Jesus kinda chose to hang out with the prostitutes, lepers, and many others rather than in the temples. Intentionally.