02 May 2007

Okay folks, in a few days time you will see some ads popping up on our blog. If you click on the ads we get a few pennies. We are trying everything possible to raise money for our upcoming adoption and selling out to advertising just might be the way to go! We are thinking garage sales, bake sales, selling my scone recipe to the highest bidder sales, we are basically trying everything! We are also going to be raising some funds for Virginia Tech. We are busy busy bees, trying to make honey.

Mike & I worked especially hard this year to put together an adoption benefits proposal for the company he works for. Many US companies now offer these kinds of benefits, so that adoptive parents can get a similar type of benefit that companies cover automatically for maternity/childbirth costs. It's not free money by any means, it just helps defray the costs of an adoption, costs that sadly continue to rise. Yesterday Mike presented the proposal, this is our third year of trying to get the benefit added. We will know sometime in August if they are going to implement it. If anyone works for a company that offers these benefits, please let us know. We are so grateful of any information. We'd also love to share our proposal information and a list of companies that do offer these benfits. More information can be found at http://www.adoptionfriendlyworkplace.org/ or http://davethomasfoundationforadoption.org/

Blessings to all

p.s feel free to scroll down to our chipin donation blip and chip in a couple of bucks. Our big goal is to fundraise the $3000 orphanage donation needed for this adoption.

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