14 July 2009

the enchanted forest The girls and I hit the Peace Garden this afternoon for some exercise. The canopy of one of the larger trees played host to my two little monkeys as they played 'hide and seek', 'monkey monkey', and the classic childhood game 'don't stand still, Mummy's trying to take photos!'
Piper of course has to figure out how to scale the tree...then Paisley wanted to. I thought it was really sweet that Piper helped her little sister...so they could both inhabit the boughs as only good monkeys can.
this monkey business isn't that easy!

"wait...whats that?"bigfoot?


Anonymous said...

What beautiful girls you have!!!
So sweet!

Debra said...

What beautiful memories you are capturing with that camera...oh to be a little girl in the Hoppe house. My poor little one is feeling unloved and unwanted as Daddy works 6-7 days and mammy deals with a teething monster....my best Mommy days are not right now!

kitchu said...

what fun!

tiffany said...

Enchanted indeed! What a lovely spot!