05 March 2009


Paisley can be quite particular about her hair, and what kind of bow, clippie or headband she wears, this morning was NO EXCEPTION! I do not know what happened in the depths of the night, but it appears a rather large wild beast entered her bedroom, used her head to mop the floors and proceeded to give her a 'special' hairstyle. Hmmm, Paisley however seemed quite happy with her 'do' just the way it was and chose herself a special hairband, which she wore Olivia Newton John style for most of the morning.

"what? do I have something on my face?"

"um yes, but that's not what I'm looking at!"

channeling Rod Stewart!


Patricia said...

Paisley can make ANY bad hair day a CUTE day, ANY day of the week!

That last photo is just PRICELESS!

a Tonggu Momma said...

"Channeling Rod Stewart"


Lost and Found said...

I love that face!

Casey said...

What a cutie!! Love that face!

And WHERE did you get the bling Save the Planet shirt? Adorable!