25 March 2009

"ey wand fug'n mowyee"
I took me at least five minutes to figure out what Paisley was saying to me this afternoon when we got into the car. It started out softly and quickly moved into a yell...at the 10th time I FINALLY got what she was asking for...and obliged.
What do you think it was?
Can you decifer it?
If you can, there is a prize...first person to get the right answer will get something really cool.
...and, she isn't swearing...I promise!
Mike said this is too hard so I have to give you a clue...
Clue 1. Irish.
Clue 2: A bodhran is involved
Last clue: it's a band...now you just need to figure out which one.

LISA M. wins! (she left a comment on a different forum)
Paisley's favorite band. Lisa wins this CD!


Kim said...

I am sitting here reading it over and over and I have NO clue....I can't wait to hear what she was saying...these kids...they keep us on our toes!


Rhonda said...

I want "Finding Nemo"?

Missy said...

Ha! How about I want to go to friggen Maui? lol

Patricia said...

OK...Melissa's comment is just crackin' me up over here!!!

Here's my guess: "I want a fudge brownie"

Karrie said...

I want the music on

Cindy said...

How about: "I want to plug-in music"

Operationtigerlily said...

I got it. It's on the Lounge.

Anonymous said...


Kim said...

LOL...she must love her tunes!



Patricia said...

OK...even with DH in the music biz I NEVER would have guessed this in a million years!!

(And I'm STILL laughing over Melissa's comment!)

Missy said...

too cute! I think my comment is more what I was thinking at the time!!

Maia said...

I should have been the one to get that one!
We haven't started QQ on FM yet, but I'm glad someone else isn't afraid. Q is hooked on Girltalk, which is even MORE foul-mouthed, and just as irresistibly danceable!