23 June 2009

where faeries bathestraight out of camera adjusted white balance in lightroom which I could have done on site by adjusting my white balance. This was a lesson well learned. If you get bored with the photography Mum, just let me know!

Today I took the snowflowers to the Arboretum so that I could take a few shots for my online class. I'm really enjoying it, although it is quite the challenge I must say! One of my assignments was to take a shot with a slow shutter speed. Let's just say, taking two ornery kidlets to a place where there is water and the heat index is 105 degrees....well, I should have known better! I set them up on a nice picnic blanket under a tree while I set up a shot...within, uh, maybe 26.5 seconds both of them were barefoot and up to their knees in the creek. The reason they were barefoot is because they had thrown their converse into aforementioned creek....hmmm...thankfully we live less than 5 minutes away and I ran back tonight to actually 'take photos'. Why don't I learn...toddlers + cameras = disaster!
I love the Arboretum...we're lucky to live so close


Jill said...

WOW!! What a GORGEOUS shot!
Oh, and I guess lesson learned! LOL!
Hugs, Jill

Anonymous said...

it came out great. Oh well if the kids are stuck to the pavement from the heat >:)

Debra said...

Wow Hayley what great shots...

Jodi and Dennis said...

Beautiful pic! You're doing a great job.

Lost and Found said...

Pretty picture and a chuckle of the visual I just got of the kidlets.

Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Oh I LOVE this...this is so cool!! Great job!

Patricia said...

Beautiful shot!! And man oh man, I didn't realize you all had such extreme temps up there...both winter AND summer!

Carrie said...

I have the same problem! Kids and taking pictures (unless it is of them) don't mix! At least at age 4! Great pic!