15 January 2009


School is closed today, the message on the phone stated that the weather was "dangerously cold"...what is dangerously cold?
-20F or -29C
with windchill
-38F or -39C
yep...that's cold. It is the coldest day in the Twin Cities in FIVE years, and that's saying something! This isn't weather to take the kids outside to play in the snow, this is stay inside and pray that the electricity stays on, consume lots of hot chocolate and chicken soup. I have a tonne of errands to run today for Pipers birthday party on Saturday but I will have to wait until this afternoon when it is supposed to warm up to -5F! Lucky for us, it's supposed to be 23F on Saturday...still well below freezing, but it will seem like a heatwave compared to today!


Carrie said...

well it is cold here in Fl so you know it must be really cold up north! stay warm!

Patricia said...

I cannot even imagine those numbers! Sounds like the perfect day for one of your Royal Princess Hot Cocoa parties! ;)


Yoli said...

That is incredibly cold. Here it is in the 50's and people are bundled up like it was the artic.