29 June 2007

These are cool, I wish I'd bought some when Piper actually needed a bib! I keep a pair in my purse now, for times when we are out and about and happen to stop for ice cream or something messy. You can use a napkin, washcloth, anything really, even a tea towel...so you're never out without a bib or cover up ever again.

This would have been great on our trip to china, we took loads of disposable bibs, which were great at the table but for bottle time we went through masses of bibs and they just wouldn't dry in the humidity when we washed them. Great invention...now why didn't I think of that!


kitchu said...

Gotta get some of those. VERY handy.

JMCS said...

I just saw these for the 1st time the other day and I thought to myself "what a brilliant idea", so thanks for mentioning them. I am going to order them right now.
