17 July 2007

'Three Names of Me' by Mary Cummings

Our last donation arrived today, this is the wonderful book written by MN author Mary Cummings. When I emailed Mary, a member of our local FCC group (Families with Children from China) she happily agreed to send a signed copy of her lovely and endearing book for the CCAI Auction.

I am so proud of all these wonderful people who have offered their services or products in the name of raising much needed money for Chinese Children's Charities.

This particular item, along with the others I listed below will be auctioned and raffled off at our agency midwest reunion in Columbus in a couple of weeks.

This time the funds will be used to train orphanage workers, this is a GREAT thing, as many of the workers are assigned their jobs by the government and can have little or no training to deal with babies and small children, not to mention many at one time.

If you want to see two very stark differences in orphanages, please click on the link for 'The Dying Rooms' documentary that was shot just over 10 years ago. Then, click on 'Half the Sky' and watch their video(click on 'children, then 'video'). The combination is dramatic, inspiring and makes even the furtherest removed person contemplate the realities of life or sadly death as an abondoned child in China.

While I pray and hope the reality in the majority of orphanages is more like the latter video, I know there are probably many that are still as bad as in the Channel 4 documentary.

This is why I am so passionate about making a difference, one dollar at a time.

We cannot do great things, but small things with great love - Mother Teresa

Women hold up half the sky!


Lauren said...

That is such a great idea!!

Gracie said...

Great thought!