29 April 2008


Listen, I'm not a bad Mum on purpose...my kids eat organic and locally grown 75% of the time, we recycle, we donate to charity, but there is one thing I said I'd never do...and thats deprive my kids of a real birthday cake! I know other Moms (you know who you are) who would happily serve their children a wheat free, gluton free, vegan, lemon poppyseed tofu cake under the guise of 'Birthday Cake' but not I, this is not a time for the pure of heart, this is time for refined sugars, food coloring and potential system shutdown! This is CAKETIME people!

and wouldn't you know, it was appreciated! Bonding people, this is good bonding!

disclaimer: please ignore the snorting, I have no idea how that happened...snort.


Stefanie said...

Happy Birthday Miss Paisley!!
I LOVE it!! She sure looks like she's enjoying all the indulgences of having a birthday! I bet bathtime was fun, too :)

Ramona said...

Go Cake! I truly believe there are times you just have to let the "good mothering" go and party it up like we did as kids! (And for some reason all that sugar tasted so much better at 4 than it does now! Why deprive them of that joy!)

bamboosprouts said...

Hey, I would give that girl cake even if it was NOT her birthday! Cute thing loving her treat. :)

Happy Birthday Miss Paisley!

kitchu said...

damn straight! love how she's kneading it like dough, savoring every piece- texture and all!

Maia said...

Oh I wholeheartedly agree. Look, I'm a healthy eater. But cake is cake, and should be CAKE!

JMCS said...

So cute! I'm with you - only the real stuff works. No fake cake! What an adorable video and i love your snorting disclaimer, too funny!


Calico Sky said...

lol I may be the wheat free, organic, vegan b-day cake type. Now was this in reference to moi?! HA!