14 April 2008

Paisley the Pin-cushion
Today I took the girls back to the International Adoption Clinic for Paisley's 'labs'. I bundled the kids up, threw the stroller in the back of the car and plugged in the Garmin GPS...only I hit the wrong address and ended up on the wrong side of the river! Not to worry, that's whats so cool about these awesome GPS systems, bippity boppity boo and five minutes later I'm standing in the lab!
Now this is where it gets dicey...Paisley has thin veins apparently and the nurse tried at least five times to find a good bleeder but without avail. By try #6 Paisley's very calm demeanor had vanished and wailing ensued. At this point I told them to stop and asked for topical numbing cream so at least the trauma of the needle and the moving it about would be less.
cream applied, 25 minutes later - jackpot...albeit a little from each arm...enough to fill five tubes!
My little pincushion is black and blue and looks like she just played pat a cake with some seriously grumpy pythons!
At least it's done!


Mamacita said...

I'm glad its done. Its so traumatic for them...for us!

Rebecca Lily said...

Oh, no! Poor baby!!! I would be wailing too. Amazing she held out until stab #6!!!!!

Carrie said...

so sorry-MJ has little veins too and she got stuck three times Aaron was very unhappy-He had to take her I couldn't hold her down and I didn't want to drag the rest of the kids to see the trauma.

kitchu said...

your imagery always makes me laugh, pythons? poor girl... i dread having to go through all that with my future little peanut.

Deb said...

I think it is as traumatic for the parents involved too! I feel so bad for little Paisley! Glad it is finally done though!

Patricia said...

Ugh...I know how that goes - we sure have had our share! I'm glad it's done...nothing worse than seeing them look at you with those scared eyes while they are wailing away...she sure is a tough little cookie!

James Michael said...

How awful. I am glad it's done. It must have been awful to watch. I hate that stuff. Watching them in pain is so horrible. UGH!