27 October 2008



Piper & Paisley got some use out of their costumes on Saturday. We went to two little trick or treat events. Piper wore her 'BatCat' costume....but I think EVERYONE thought she was a retro Batman. Paisley went as a Irate Pirate in the morning, then switched into a witch costume at night. I know it's too early to post Halloween pictures, but I just had to post this one...so cute, and such an attitude! The funniest thing...Piper felt the need to 'kungfu challenge' any child in a batman or batgirl costume?


Lost and Found said...

So cute! So how did the new pics come out?

Patricia said...

Holy Halloween, batman!
This child is soooo SPIRITED!!! LOVE IT!!! Great costume on her!!

Lee said...

These are the BEST! So fantastic, and she is clearly in her element. Really sorry we missed you this weekend, but I was in Des Moines at my sisters. Wish I could say we were having fun, but cranky kid, sister and mother conspired against me...

Yoli said...

Oh how cute she is in her batcat outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My husband does not want me to put the costumes on the kids until Halloween, he is such a party pooper.

Snowflowers Mum said...

Patricia...spirited is a vast understatement...this kid is wired.

J said...

She is so cute! I wish she & B could go trick-or-treating together -- he's going to be the Incredible Hulk -- they'd be like a little mini-superhero team.

Heather said...

That's a freakin' awesome costume and I love that she protected her "bat turf" from imposter bat girls and boys.

kitchu said...

well, no matter- batcat or retro batman/woman, she rocks that costume dude!!!

Tamara said...

She is fabulous in that costume!

Cavatica said...

She is truly AWESOME!!!