12 October 2008

Because we can...we will.

This is a topic near and dear to my heart...my family are supporters of ONE.org Take a moment to see what positive changes one voice, one vote, one hope can make when it is joined by millions of others sharing the same goals


Yoli said...

Hayley, thank you for always bringing these issues up on your blog. It is lovely to see our children thriving but we cannot forget the others. Our kids will inherit this earth. I am glad you think globally. I admire you for it.

kitchu said...

rock on... this is fantastic

Patricia said...

FABULOUS!!! The Power of ONE!!

Debra said...

This is great Hayley...I love that it shows what has been achieved but what still need to be done.

insanemommy said...

I was just going to say you and my friend "Yoli" would get along swimmingly, and then I notice you already have met! You two are two for humanity. Loving you what you stand for. Admiring you to have the guts to do so.