11 October 2008


Professor Paisley 'Buffet' Snowflower is offering a one time seminar on her pumpkinomics class. Apparently she has been a little miffed at what is going on in pumpkin patches around the globe, especially one particularly big pumpkin patch on Wallstreet Farm.

Lesson one: Dont put all your pumpkins in one basket.


insanemommy said...

Was she allowed to touch the pumkin? I took my girls to the pumkin patch and there were signs everywhere, "do not let your kids touch the pumkins"!! Wt???? Seriously!

Snowflowers Mum said...

nope..we can hug on as many pumpkins as we liked...but we were warned not to pick apples up off the ground or if one fell on the ground to leave it alone, because we'd get ecoli! nice.

Calico Sky said...

ha ha thanks for the laugh!!!