14 October 2008



insanemommy said...

I love him! He pulls no punches. Good for him calling McCain on the carpet. Love the way McCain back peddles... So typical.

Jeff and Madeline said...

FINALLY, someone stating the obvious! Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears. I have been talking about this for weeks, but people give them a pass--WHY!?

As a nation we do not take racism serious enough and think it only comes with a few backwater hillbillies--not true. We have to stand up and make it stop, we have to make that woman stop--she is the motivation behind it all, she is the one who is rallying the crowds, she is the one that obviously has these same thoughts or she would address it. He has sold out to the right and people like her, they will have to be forced to stop because that is the only base they have.
We as citizens have to keep demanding, as this segment shows, that it end!

Debra said...

I couldn't agree more!
By the way can anyone tell me what Ms Palin did yesterday? I was watching the news and they kept talking about what she did but never said what she did.