19 October 2008

RESPECT We knew it was coming, and today it finally did.
Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama!


insanemommy said...

Oh yeah baby!!! I read it this morning when I logged onto CNN. I always knew he was a dem in a republican coat.. Way to go! On our way to the pumpkin patch... more later.

Stephanie said...

Nice...I woke up too late to see this! :)

Deb said...

When I heard that this morning....I told Chris that this for sure seals the deal for Obama!

Doreen said...


Doreen in Montreal

kitchu said...

That is one heck of an endorsement!

Heather said...


Susan said...

Howdy Howdy, its your favorite McCain supporter again :) ... One of the many concerns I have is a reverse racism movement I'm seeing in this election. SO many are voting for Obama simply BECAUSE he is black. They are not examining the issues and what Obamas policies will hold for our country, but are simply going on race.

I'm seeing McCain supporters being labeled as "White trash" by Obama followers and many other racist comments directed at those that aren't 'following'. Can you imagine the backlash if anyone in the McCain circles ever used a racial slur similar to the above against Obama or his supporters?!

I have many many other concerns but another major one is why Obama only voted 'present' on so many issues so that we have no idea where he actually officially stands.

I'll close with one of the most disturbing images I've seen in quite some time,

How anyone running for the highest office in our nation can disrespect our country in such a way publicly makes me shake in my boots for what will go on behind the scenes.

Your girls are still breathtaking! Even in the obama shirts. I'm a good cropper if you ever want to change your mind and just crop in just yell :)

Anonymous said...

I thought that was great. How many more days do we have of this fiasco?

Heather said...

Reverse racism movement? Excuse me, Susan? I'm wondering how exactly you know that "SO many" are voting for Obama just because of his race? How is it that you have the means to read so many voters' minds?

I'm also wondering how you've missed the capaign of hate that the McCain/Palin campaign has been stoking. Things ike trying to link the names "Osama" and "Obama" to fuel the fears of "Arabs" and terrorism. It's disgusting and shameful.

And I have many, many other concerns but the major ones are McCain's loyalty to W's policies, his Iraq plan, his tax plan, his economic policies, Palin's lack of any experience, the McCain/Palin/Republican Party's attempts to hijack American patriotism and paint anyone who disagrees with them as Anti-American, and the latest slinging around of the "socialism" label. If you want to see socialism in action, take a look at the bailout plan. The bailout plan is America's way of putting lipstick on socialism.

Snowflowers Mum said...

Dear Susan,

Thanks for stopping by, please don't imply that either myself or anyone else isnt doing their homework regarding our Presidential candidates...it makes you look terribly smug and a wee bit silly.
Frankly, I have done my homework, as have millions of Obama supporters, and I don't think race is playing a card here at all...in fact, if the race card is going to benefit anyone it's going to be the old white guy! I think it's beyond hilarious to throw the race card at my face when your condidates have been using narrow and devisive tactics throughout this campaign...why on earth do you think many Republicans are moving over to voting for the Democratic ticket? You want to know why? Because..the Republican party is moving closer and closer to an extreme right, fundamentalistic Christian party and frankly, fundamentalism has no part in the Leadership of the White House and this Nation.

I'd also be more concerned with the Palin's ethical issues regarding Troopergate and the connections with the Alaskan Independance Party that if you do your research, you might see they actually want secession from the lower 48 and from the US of A...hmm, and Sarah Palin told them to "keep up the good work" when she addressed them in 2008(want that footage, I'd be happy to send it to you"

Did you happen to catch Colin Powell on Meet the Press? Awesome! He is a man of great integrity, and he spoke what MILLIONS of others have been feeling in the past few weeks...

now are you going to tell me he's playing the race game? Shame on you...people are much smarter than that.

While I appreciate people choosing the Republican Idealogy as whats best for their family(although I will never truly understand why) I refuse to believe you cannot see how nasty the GOP is becoming as they struggle to bring down a man and a party with such abhorent tactics.

J said...

(Hayley, if you think I'm being too mean to poor Susan and you don't want this comment on your blog, give me a shout-out and I'll just email it to her instead. No hard feelings, I promise.)

Oh dear, Susan. Perhaps you should have read your own reference all the way through before you posted that link. I did, and about halfway down, found this quote:

----Begin quote from www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp----

Experts on the national anthem say the law seems a bit out of date, given its reference to a man's "headdress." Yet it's still cited in several military manuals found on the web.

"Modern custom does not require a hand over the heart," said Ann Garside, director of communication for the Maryland Historical Society, home of the original manuscript of the Star-Spangled Banner [a hotbed of liberal activism, I'm sure].

"I think the bottom line is that you show respect with your demeanor," she said. "Whether you put your hand over your heart, hold your hat at shoulder level or waist level, is really in this day and age irrelevant."

----End quote from www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp [comment added by me]----

Sorry, but I think I'll go with the opinion of the experts on this one. And you are no expert.

Also, your reference features two photos of him with his hand over his heart during the pledge, as well as two videos of him reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

If posting that link as evidence to support your evidence doesn't make you feel a little silly, then I think that citing this as a reason to vote for McCain certainly should. Is this REALLY the most important thing to you? You don't care if you can afford to send your kids to college someday? Or if you would have help from the government with health care someday should you lose your current health insurance? It doesn't matter that McCain will cut taxes for big corporations, while Obama would cut them for YOU? You are making a ridiculous argument, and one I am tired of hearing. It's silly. Get real, woman. Think about the things that matter. If not for the rest of us adults that have to live in this country for the next four years, then for your children.

So all that matters to you is that your president puts his hand over his heart during the national anthem, and that he do all he can to ensure that young girls who are raped by their fathers are forced to carry that baby to term. Great. If it were up to me, I'd take away your voter registration card. Luckily for you, it's not.

Last but not least, I must tell you that I AM INSULTED that you say people are voting for Obama because he's black. Are you seriously calling me and the other white Obama supporters racists? REALLY?! Shame on you.

Lost and Found said...

How sad but also eye -opening to see how people are when it comes to serious stuff. As someone who was voting R and changed my vote as a result of things I learned not to mention the addition of the dumbest and most offensive woman to take a stage, I am pretty surprised at how much people really don't know. I personally don't care if a candidate is purple with green polka dots if he/she is capable of doing a good job. I don't LOVE either candidate but I will do what is necessary and spread the word that we as women cannot afford to have someone like SP anywhere near the presidency.

J said...

"Also, your reference features two photos of him with his hand over his heart during the pledge, as well as two videos of him reciting the Pledge of Allegiance."

I meant to say "...two photos of him with his hand over his heart during the national anthem..."

pittmane said...

Racist?? You have GOT to be kidding me! All throughout the primary elections and even now, Obama has had to FIGHT for the black vote. There was a large sector of the African American population that felt he wasn't "one of them" - not black enough? I don't know. Regardless of that, he is pretty much the epitome of what America stands for: mother is white, father is Kenyan; mother on welfare; raised by his white grandparents; worked HARD and got into Harvard; successful career in teaching constitutional law.

The man has had to work hard for every inch he's gained in life and for the republicans who say it's become a racist race are delusional and, to me, offensive. I would agree if you asked the majority of people why they're voting for Obama and they said, "Because he's black." BUT, they *aren't* saying that! Far from it this election is so exciting - in fact, people are actually getting involved like they never have in the past (psst...that's what Michelle Obama was referring to when she said she was proud of America). We're not just getting involved, we're gobbling it up! Obama's supporters are more engaged and informed than the democratic electorate has been in a looooong time. They (we/I) care about the issues and he represents the direction they (we/I) want this country to go.

Here's an email I got a few days ago about this very subject - this is for YOU, Susan - read for comprehension:

How it works

The political question lately has been if racism will rear its ugly head in the upcoming election, i.e. the Bradley effect. I wish I could believe that the majority of citizens today will choose the next president based on the issues and how the candidate will address those issues, but I am still a skeptic. The reason for my skepticism is the following barometer of cold, hard facts.

What if ...

John McCain were a former president of the Harvard Law Review?

Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his graduating class?

McCain were still married to the first woman he said "I do" to?

Obama were the candidate who divorced his first wife to marry a very wealthy woman?

Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard Law?

Michelle Obama became addicted to painkillers and acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?

Obama's teen-aged daughter got pregnant out of wedlock?

McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?

Obama were a member of the "Keating Five"?

If these questions reflected reality, do you really think the election numbers would be as close as they are?

This is how racism works and this is what racism does. It covers up rationality and minimizes positive qualities or emphasizes negative qualities.

Susan said...

Please forgive me if anyone took my comments personally. There was nothing personal here. It appears this election a highly emotional one. There are clearly two sides.

I am offended when people refer to McCain as old, 'out of touch' etc..but what I find most offensive is when Obama pokes fun of his physical limitations due to his POW tortures. An example would be the commercial endorsed by Obama with the suggestion McCain doesn't know how to e-mail. His physical limitations inhibit his ability to navigate a keyboard. I'm not sure how much more "unkind" one can get. There are many many more examples but won't go into it here.

We are very blessed to be living in a country where we indeed are allowed to have a voice. I hope our voices can be heard in the spirit of what our founding fathers envisioned for our nation.

Heres a quote from an above comment..
".the Republican party is moving closer and closer to an extreme right, fundamentalistic Christian party and frankly, fundamentalism has no part in the Leadership of the White House and this Nation".

actually, isn't Obama known as the most Liberal politician in the senate?

I do wonder why it took Powell so long to endorse Obama if he is that sold. Perhaps he is looking for a position under an Obama admin. since his portfolio has probably taken a big hit? (its a joke folks).. can we lighten this a bit?

Again, there was nothing personal aimed at anyone here. Please feel free to delete my comments if you so desire. I hope you will keep the sentiment that there was absolutely nothing personal. Peace to all. I don't envy ANY president's responsibilities these days and the tasks that lay before them.

Snowflowers Mum said...

you want to share your trumped up information? try getting it from someplace else than FOX-rightwing-News!

find me anything from BBC or CNN? Really, can't find it? These are news channels for GROWN UPS.

Fox news is a joke.

insanemommy said...

I love how the republican party thinks the democrats are so dense that we would not do our own research on the issues. The only issue I'm concerned about is:
1. Economy
2. Unemployment
3. Health Care
4. Resoloving the War!
5. Education

As far as religion goes it has no place in politics. This should be least of our worries. Get real....

Heather said...

I've actually put Fox News on our V-chip with a parental block. I wouldn't want my girls to accidentally get infected with that crap.