10 August 2007

The wait for 'Schmidts' was about half an hour, the girls entertained themselves with bubbles(thanks Karen) and getting into toddler mischief! I mean rolling in the streets crazy two year old mischief...can any one say "fun, fun, delerium"

on a side note...I need to figure out Piper's hair...can you see the difference between her coifed friend and our very own punky brewster? We are trying to grow her 'bangs' out(for all you kiwis, that's a fringe), but it's still crazy...any advice anyone...anyone?

1 comment:

Maia said...

I love the tousled bed-head look...but that's just me. If my hair would do that I would TOTALLY wear it just like Piper's!!
:)- Maia