08 September 2007


Kids lurve this guy and I have to admit there's one or two Mummy's that are enamored with this talented 'rockstar for toddlers' as well! This afternoon we hit the Target Book Fair in Bloomington. Of course we went for the exposure to art and literature...well, we kinda sorta went for that but what we REALLY went for, or more precisely WHO we went for is the big Daddy of toddler rock - 'JR' Mr Justin Roberts! He was part of the festival and played at the park for FREE! Too cool, Piper almost peed her pants in excitement...um, okay I almost peed my pants in excitement, but who's counting! Although we didn't get to the signing earlier in the day, we got to sit and dance near the stage! Rock on JR...rock on.

Piper wore the tshirt her friend Jenna sent her, Justin spotted it from the stage and gave her a big smile! Mike also enjoyed the show, and sung along...seems there were a bunch of hip Mums and Dads doing the same! If you don't know who he is, check him out...his music is fun and groovy enough that parents wont want to gouge their eyes out with blunt teaspoons!

"OMG..is that who I think it is?"

"Mummy, look who it is! Did you know he was going to be here!?"


It's all about making the kiddo happy!


tiffany said...

Woohoo that girl can DANCE. LOL I will have to check out the music. I am quite opposed to kid music-isnt that sad...for my kids? LOL Something I keep meaning to work on though.

Lily's Pad said...

What a cute little dancer! Looks like a great time. We will have to check him out.


Patricia said...

LOOOOOVE that photo where Piper is turning to you as if to say, "C'mon, mom, Hurry UP!!"

CUTE! Lover Piper's enthusiasm!
Kiara loves the Doodlebops (with a daddy in the music biz, we HAVE to work on her taste!!) and Dan Zanes...& of course, the blues! lol!

Deb said...

What cute pictures of Piper! We had hoped to make it to the Target event, but just never made it. We need to add it to our "musts" for next year!

polkadot said...

I think I'm a new fan of this guy ;)