11 April 2009

O L I V I A!
My talented friend Jen made this amazing dress for Paisley...and it's flipping incredible! Paisley adores OLIVIA and when she saw this she went bananas! She already has a pair of red and white shoes she calls her 'Olibia' shoes, and when I put this on her she demanded Piper to go fetch them for her
"pweeeeese PI-PER, Olibia shooes...pweeese!"

Seriously Jen....this is the best thing EVER! Does this look like the happiest little girl you've ever seen!Piper didn't miss out...Jen threw in a little something for her toodrama-rama as expected!

LOVE YOU JEN! you made the girls day!


Carrie said...

Oh my word,How cute!

DiJo said...

I forgot to tell you how CUTE Paisley's hair is. Love it!!! Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I would have loved a dress like that.

Missy said...

that is too cute...Olivia is one of my favorite characters!

Lost and Found said...

WOW! It came out so FABULOUS. Way to go Jen.

James Michael said...

Oh my goodness. These outfits are adorable. Piper and Paisley are just stunning, so beautiful. You are taking some great pictures Hayley, bravo!

kitchu said...

my nieces are SO STINKIN' CUTE!!!! god i miss them so much.

i know. you're thinking "not when the tantrums come on you wouldn't". :O)