02 January 2008

Name that blog...or else!

Okay, the time has come for a new name, it's a new year and I want a fresh start! We want a little anonymity, and having our surname on our blog is getting old. I just love some of the great titles out there! I do believe my friend Stef has the most uniquely very most especially cool name 'Ni Hao Y'all', it completely sums up a Georgia peach with four little ones from China! Then there's others I love, 'first a Pearl, then a Ruby' which are the birthstones of one lovely family's daughters, and 'Hip Hip Hubei' another friends cheer to her daughter from Hubei! There are so many more really great ones out there that I cannot mention them all, but the really creative ones always make me smile!
So there it is, we need a new name. I need a profile name, and I need a makeover! I know I tried to do this before but seriously folks, I have yet to find the perfect name. Nothing fussy or frilly, nothing too obvious, just something quirky and succinct.
Somebody mentioned that we have two girls with P names, so I have been referring to them as Sweet P's
Hit me with your best ideas...
my ideas to date are
Cartwheels & Somersaults
Sweet Peas & Oolong Tea
disclaimer: and if by some wild twist of fate we were ever to adopt a little boy, his name would probably be Peter (shout out to my Dad!) so we would have three children with P names. P.S. mention this little tidbit to Mike and you are smoke! It's a long shot but wouldnt that rock!


Sam said...

Fine!!! I will make something up!!!

Sweet Ps That Grow Like Weeds!
An Order of Ps on The Side

Is that quirky enough for you???

Sam said...

Okay, one more.

Life With a Side of Ps

Patricia said...

I'm just getting started, but....

Growing Sweet Peas
Peas on Earth
Sweet Peas & Skinned Knees

I'll be back....

polkadot said...

cartwheels and somersaults is cute

Elizabeth said...

I like the Oolong Tea one.
I sent you some suggesttions via lounge.

Verna said...

OK, I love naming stuff. How about

Ps and Quiet Please

Oh, yeah, you won't have that for a LOOOOOng time!!

How bout? Ps'd to Meet you
Or since you are now in Minnesota,
Chinese Snow Ps

Actually I do like the
Sweet Ps and Skinned Knees

Hope you don't mind me barging in!

Carrie said...

I like the Sweet p's grow like weeds! too cute!

John & Michelle said...

How about "Brought to you by the Letter P" sort of like Sesame Street? Happy New Year!

Leslie said...

I just wanted to say, I LOVE the Growing Sweet Peas for a new name that Patricia came up with. So cute.

"M2" said...

I vote for the p's and tea one too.