24 October 2007


click here and send this guy an email. I wonder if he has ever looked into adoption? Either Domestic or foreign, or whether he has read books about the orphan crisis in third world and developing nations...what a WANKER! Big ole thumbs down to this stinky reporter! Can he call himself a reporter? Or is he just a silly pompous arse?

p.s. I just used spellcheck and WANKER is apparently a real word and spelt correctly!

I will continue to use it WANKERWANKERWANKERWANKER...boy that felt good!


Patricia said...

DONE!!! And boy did it feel good to send that email!

This is one of many these days...seems the journalism curriculum is getting looser & looser...the standards just keep falling!

James Michael said...

Unfortunately the silent reality is this guy and many american like him are uneducated on both domestic and foreign adoptions. Maybe you can help by doing a post on adoptions and what you have learned about how difficut the process is both here in the US and in other countries.


ps. You can try the Ronan Remedy for your cold/flu. Drink as much clear alcohol (ie. Vodka or Gin) and eat as much hot spicy buffalo wings (do they have those in MN?) as you can. Surely it will kill all germs in your body. It works and I swear by it. Shelby swears by Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup.

Tamara said...

I did type out a very long, and far too thoughtful message to him a couple of days ago. I expect it may have went right over his head though. Some people really were raised by wolves.

3 Peanuts said...

OMG! I just e-mailed that IDIOT and my blood is boiling!

SInce we have 2 boi kids we were not even elgible in the state we lived in for domestic adoption. We could ONLY adopt internationally.

UGH.. He IS a Wanker!