07 November 2007


What does that mean for us? I don't really know, but the new waiting child list arrived at our agency this week. It could be days or even weeks before we find out if Paisley is on this list!!!! I can barely breathe! I need to be patient...it takes the staff at CCAI a while to translate the files. We have been waiting just under 10 months the hardest part is not knowing if our daughter is on this list or if she will be on the next one??


Patricia said...

PRAYING for all of you that the child meant to be a "Happy Hoppe" is on this list!!

Ladyblog said...

I hope your new daughter is on this list. I know the Yahoo group is buzzing!
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

oh, I didn't realize you were this close to your match! waiting with anticipation with you!!

tiffany said...

I hope you have big news very soon! :)

Carrie said...

I am hoping the best for you guys. It is so hard to wait. keep us updated!

Maia said...

Oh, the anticipation! I'm crossing my fingers for you...that is, if you want to be on this list! I know I'd be having about ten heart attacks, myself, given how crazy the next two months are for us.
But selfishly, I can't wait to see the picture of your little Paisley!!

Calico Sky said...

ooohhh I am so excited, I really really really really hope this is it!!!!

Tamara said...

omigosh, how exciting is that?!?!? I had no idea it was this close for you. I shall cross my fingers, toes, eyes, my legs, and whatever else I can think of that you are on "the list" this time.