12 November 2007


the question has an answer, or does it???...

You know how I emailed CCAI asking if Paisley could possibly-maybe-might-on-an-offchance be on the new Waiting Child list? Well, I got a maybe-might-be-possibly-not-sure-we'll-see-wait-until-next-week-after-translations-are-done answer.

What does THAT mean??? I don't know, but I have a headache!

What do you think?

I asked Piper what Paisley's middle name is and she said Paisley crocodile peepeehead...clearly that won't work. I think we'll stick with Rose.


JMCS said...

YEAH! C'mon Paisley!!! I think she is definitley going to be on the list. Hopefully it's time to welcome a new Hoppe to the family.


Carrie said...

well that is so better than NO! Here's to her being on the list-

Maia said...

Here's my translation: that means you're in their next pile, and there's a good chance there might be a girl on this list with an appropriate chart...but they won't know until they read the translations.
The good part is - you're clearly in the top of the stack! Now it's just a question of whether the right child, YOUR child, is in this batch...
exciting, exciting!!

Snowflowers Mum said...

Thanks Guys...

We will know our Paisley when we see her!

This program is so different form the NSN program.


OziMum said...

LOL! "peepee head!" She'd go well with Harry at the moment... everyone is "poopoo head"! Disgusting, I know. I'm sure he'll find some other horrid words to replace it, soon.

Rose is a lovely middle name.

Oooo - how exciting! Look forward to hearing an update as to "where" Paisley might be!

James Michael said...

Sounds good to me. They didn't give you a NO. We have our fingers crossed she is on the list. But, if she is not it just means the perfect match wasn't made. Piper is a perfect match and Paisley will be as well.

kitchu said...

Hmmm... I don't know, "Crocodile Peepeehead" is so original.

Rethink that. I mean, Paisley Rose is good and all, but... Piper sure does display serious creativity with her choice (wink).

I'd actually forgotten you were using Rose. GORGEOUS full name. Love it.