15 November 2007

a Piperism

today while we were in a store, Piper was chatting up a storm, the saleslady said "my aren't you chatty" and Piper replied...without skipping a beat I might add... "of course, I'm Talky Talkerson"

We call her Talky Talkerson, Jumpy Jumperson, Grumpy Grumperson, ...you get the picture.

The lady almost spat her drink out!


Carrie said...

oh my! that is so cute!

OziMum said...

hehehe! I love a girl that knows exactly who she is!

James Michael said...

She is too cute. Just like her Mom and Dad.

kitchu said...

Send her to Florida for a week. I could use some Piperisms in my life right now!

Jenny F. said...

Hmmmm.... someone else I know is quite chatty also!