09 November 2007

Quote of the Day

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! ~Henry Ward Beecher

I let my mind quiet just a little between panic attacks...and I thought I'd post a quote for the parents that will get to see their children's faces soon. As nervous as I am that we will or wont be included in this list of waiting children...many families will be created and expanded in the next few days...for them I am happy and grateful for their matches...not even a whisper of envy...I believe Paisley is waiting for us as much as we wait for her...timing is essential...without perfect timing, well, we wouldn't have the children we do...and that is one of the most divine and beautiful things I have come to understand.


Carrie said...

I don't know why I am writing this since you have already done this before but the waiting only gets harder-It has beed over a month and I am going crazy not seeing MJ's face .only three little pictures? can't we have more ?will I wait forever to hug this little child of mine?

Deb said...

Haley....I am right there with you! This wait is one of the hardest things for us! Our wait for Sophie was 5 1/2 months and we are now on month 19 with no end in sight! The only thing that helps me is to remember that this is all in God's time! We so feel like Sophie's placement was such divine intervention! She is such a perfect fit for our family! Hang in there girl....if you ever want to get together....we'd love to meet you all sometime! I am thinking that we should have a Twin City blog summit sometime after the holidays with other blog moms in the area!

Have a great weekend!

Carrie said...

Hayley it is your turn to answer the question's from Maia's blog!I did it on my and would love to hear your answers! Oh by the way I have been watching you web blog since we signed up with CCAI-I think due to the name thehappyhoppes it was just so cute!

The Lucky Ones said...

I know,I know. I have been SOOOO AWOL, but...
come on, phone, RING! We want to meet Paisley!!!!

And, of course, should she not be on this list, we will await her arrival with great joy and gratitude, but it would be OH-SO-EXCITING for her to be on this list.

We are all here with you - whether it is to celebrate or to wait a bit longer.

Thinking of you, A LOT!

Stefanie said...

I love that quote! Even in hardships, there is always much to be thankful for :)